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Commissions made by amazing artists throughout the years
A wonderful commission made by the one and only @Kaibuzetta for a special MuchoHentai Christmas Sticket Giveaway we did around the globe where more than 100 people participated and received stickers in over 12 countries. It was a great success.
An awesome bust of Takane Ene that was composed of multiple layers that allowed any random item to be attached to Ene's head or mouth. It was quite a fun .psd indeed.
An awesome Avatar that we used for the Halloween season of 2017.
An avatar / header combination that was commissioned again by @Kaibuzetta to celebrate the Christmas Spirit.
The first sticker we ever had commissioned with @Kaibuzetta which was distributed as a special thanks to the most valued 50 users on the site as we were celebrating our third anniversary. This sticker was distributed to 6 countries across the globe.
A special edition sticker which was commissioned because I had built a new computer to play PUBG. This sticker was printed and distributed to over 150 people in 25 different countries along with a select few receiving a PUBG key for Steam.
A posted comissioned because at the time we were live-streaming ourselves play "Zombie Army Trilogy" which then we used as the series� icon on Youtube.
The first ever custom poster I ever made. The posted was commissioned by StarberryTea and it is still used on @MuchoDoujin's twitter header to this date almost seven years later.
A greatly made poster by @Kaibuzetta which we had commissioned along with the PUBG sticker for one lucky winner to have an awesome poster to go along with the sticker. The user that won the contest was in Latvia. Man was it a hell of an adventure to send it overseas.
A work in progress comissioned by us for a future Youtube series by @Kaibuzetta